Sean Cameron arrives
Date:     July 15th, 2006
Time:     9:30 am 

Weight: 2740g (6lb ½oz) 

Length:  49cm (20in)

Part one - July 14-17, 2006

Sean had to be induced to arrive, which occurred on Friday, July 14th. He didn't waste any time once Mum indicated that her water had broken at 12:30 on Saturday morning. A quick trip to the hospital for some anti-biotics for Mum - during which she was laughing with the nurses about being 3 cm dilated and not really feeling anything. Dad got a nudge at 4:30 that things were no longer a laughing matter, and we were once again off to hospital at 6:00 am. At 6:45, Angela was 9 cm and ready to push. Wasting no time, Sean arrived at 9:30 am. After he had a chance to settle in, we noticed that he was still a little blue in the toes, so his temperature was checked. It was low. So was his blood sugar - dangerously so. Into Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) he went for an I.V. and some warming up in an incubator. Fortunately, we were still allowed to visit. The Grandparents had to settle for looking, but no touching. We haven't caught it on video yet, but Sean has a very cute double sneeze: "Ah-choo," followed by "Ah-Wee-Oo" His first trick!


Part two - July 18-22, 2006

Having to leave Sean at the hospital was really hard on us both - the image of carrying the empty seat back out to the car still hurts quite a bit. To add to that, Sean developed jaundice and needed to be treated for that before he could "get back to"fixing his low blood sugar problem. That made him slow to eat, sleepy, and a bit less co-operative than his normal self. It was rather funny to see Sean lying in his cot with the blue 'Bili-Lites' running to help his jaundice. The low-rider diaper might have helped the jaundice, but was unable to stop a rather impressive bowel movement... Whoo-pee, his second bath! The nurses all loved him, since Sean was one of the quietest and lowest-stress babies in the NICU. We finally got the okay to take him home on Saturday, July 22nd and it was - of course - one of the hottest days on record. Sean didn't like that too much, although he slept through the car ride fine. Once home, we even survived the first major crying fit: Too hot, hungry, dirty diaper, too hot, dirty diaper, hungry, sleepy. Phew! Week one is done.


Week 2 - July 23 - 30

Sean, now known as 'Mr. Bean,' or 'the Bean' thanks to his long, string bean appearance has managed to settle in. Us poor parents now get to settle in to his rhythm. He did pass his first medical checkup with flying colours on the 25th - he'd almost grown back to his birth weight in only 10 days. The doctor referred to him as "Type 'A' for sure." The weather eased off a little too, allowing us time to try a few different wardrobe items. Sean's rather slim build has challenged us, as has his preference for bare feet. He's now quite capable of kicking off three layers of blanket despite careful wrapping as he goes to bed. Ah, yes: Sleep. We're working on that. A couple of 'cluster feeding days' have really drained us, but we do have a bit of a routine down now. Once Dad goes back to work, this might get a bit upset though. The substantial tucking in has paid off: A return visit to the doctor on Friday (for a minor eye infection) revealed that Sean had packed on 5 ounces (around 150g) in only three days. So far this week, we've managed to fit in one walk, one visit to the supermarket for diapers and other essentials (cashew and pistachio nuts, as I recall), two stops to see the doctor and a visit from the public health nurse (who thinks we're doing okay, to our delight, but not surprise), plus several family visitors. We'll have to see what next week brings.


Week 3 (and a bit) July 31 - August 8

Sean had a few pictures sent by his Uncle Neal that we've included here. Proof that he can be both angelic and very loud. Bath time was interesting. We think we'll use a different method for our next attempt. One problem with a long, lean baby is that nothing fits right. We need the length of 3 month sizes, but that makes enough room for about two of someone Sean's size. Grammie and Grandpere came to visit from Calgary, bringing some fancy new duds (check out those moccasins!). Daddy had to go back to work this week - a rather decided downer from yours truly's perspective - but we'll live with it. Nan came to visit Mummy to keep her company, and Mummy got a great shot of Sean's first teddy bear hug. 'Uncle' Manfred and 'Aunt' Leesa dropped by - bringing another nice outfit - and they get a big thank you for the visit.


Second Month, August 8 - September 6

Sean has managed to fill out a bit. Okay, more than a bit. He's packed on the poundage, tipping the scales at 9 lb 12 oz on September 5th. Sean and Mum also managed a few 'outs' over the month, with a visit to work and an honest to goodness baby shower. Sean wowed the ladies - and they were all ladies, we'll have you know - who came to see him. Daddy had to go away for a week, and was honestly surprised at how much Sean had changed in only that brief period. The arms and legs are filling out, and those preemie-sized clothes have been relegated to the "don't fit any more" pile. He's still a bit of a string bean, but Sean is definitely starting to grow. Even his hair - which held so much promise at first, then promptly fell out - has started to fill back in. To Mum's delight, it shows signs of being light-coloured and curly. Now, if we could get him to sleep anywhere else but on Mum's chest, we'd be in really good shape. Angela has also taken Mr. Bean to visit her choir, and of course, they were all very happy to meet the little gentleman. Choir mate Peggy put together a delightful little package called a "Smile Box" for Sean. It's actually really quite neat, and you can visit it here. More things next month! spacer


Third Month - Sept 20 - Oct 24, 2006

 Vancouver hosts the Word on the Street Festival every year, and Sean got to visit for the first time. Lots of admirers made him quite happy. I guess we're a bit on the lucky side that Sean seems quite social and friendly with everyone. We also got invited to a friend's wedding, and Sean managed to charm practically everyone there too. But he wasn't the youngest there - a very cute little girl beat him out by a whole month. Tough to do when you're only three months old yourself. For Thanksgiving, we went along with Sean on his first plane ride. We went to Calgary (okay, Dad went to Edmonton on business) and stayed with Grandpere and Grammie for a week. Much fun was had by all, especially the turkey headgear. Sean wasn't very impressed by that, but seemed to enjoy the company. Then - as if the social scene was getting too slow - we joined our friends Gerald and Anna at Gerald's 40th Birthday celebration. Mr. Bean wowed them all with his exceptional behaviour and charming giggles. To round out his third month, Sean went to the pumpkin patch to select his first Halloween pumpkin (and assist Alexander and Caroline with their selections too, of course).


Fourth and Fifth Months - October 24-November 28, 2006

Sean was a social butterfly once again as he joined "Auntie Kim" and Grace on a shopping trip to IKEA. Sean does seem to inspire other very small children into wanting to be with him, play with him and so on. It's actually pretty cute. Grandpere joined us in Vancouver for cousin Owen's Eighth Birthday, and again, much fun was had by all. We're planning to try baby sign language with Sean, and as he grows, he's already getting the gist of some signs. Of course, he has his own uniqueness to add to everything - just so long as we can keep up.


Sixth Month and Christmas - November 30-Christmas 2006

Busy time of year, this. Prior to Christmas was the much-awaited cookie exchange. We managed to get a whole crew together to check this out. Oh, yes - the parents came too. Then, the big day. Sean again surprised us with how well he handled being moved around. Of course, he loved all the crinkly, crackly paper and plastic being torn off packages. True to form, he was a bit less interested in the contents of those packages than the packaging itself. Nan loves to let him kick like crazy, so Sean's socks were off within ten minutes of her arrival. Not that Sean minds - he seems to be kicking his feet harder and faster than ever when he's excited. The most fun of the day: Sean found some mylar wrapping 'paper' that had a great diffractive pattern on it. He couldn't get it wet and tear it apart, so it seemed an ideal not-too-noisy paper toy. Well, we were wrong - the silver diffraction coating began to peel off after a serious going-over by Sean, leaving his face and hands covered in a silvery sheen. It washed off, but we decided that Sean was getting enough iron in his diet to skip the extra metallic stuff. Dinner actually went well - we hosted, and everyone seemed to go away happy... Boxing Day was at Grannie and Grandad's - a great dinner as always, with lots of fussing over Mr. Bean. We honestly did try to relax after that, only a couple of visits between Christmas and the New Year.


The New Year and Month Seven - January and February 2007

Wow. Now that Christmas is over we can relax, right? Um - no. There are more visits to do, more people to see. More foods to try. Solid foods started just after New Year with rice cereal. This was okay at first, but quickly paled into an also-ran sort of position. Sweet potato, apple and banana took over as the favourites - although Mum is slipping a little cereal into each of those. Also favoured: Baby Mum-Mum rice crackers. These things are like crack cocaine for babies. All the kids from the pre-natal group are chowing down on these little rusks like they're going out of style, and Sean is no exception. He needs a fix of at least two to three packs a day!


Eight Months - February through March 2007

All images © 2006-2007
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Last updated 21-March-2007.
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