Why The 35mm SLR Format?
Photography in the 35mm format offers many advantages over other formats. First of all it’s easy finding the film. Just about any Gas Station or Drug Store could provide an emergency supply when needed. Second this format provides the user with the ability to creatively work the subject in a progressive manner. In this progression it is often the case that where you end up creatively is completely different than what caught the eye in the first place. Thirdly although this format is considered small by some the resolution is there. Most of the professionals I know using this format will shoot from a tripod. The rock steady tripod coupled with the excellent lens quality of today’s manufacture keeps this well within the expected professional results. When using the viewfinder you are looking through the lens making the photo. This function gives you the preview needed for image control of focus and depth of field. This is a must for the more advanced levels of photography.

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 Manfred H. Forest